Thursday 21 August 2014

And So We Start...

Well... This is interesting...
I never knew that I would ever try and blog. I have seen a few of my friends try blogging before, and it has always looked interesting, but I've never actually had the thought to try it out myself until today. As it's getting late, I will be making this a short one.
Let me introduce myself first. My name is AKBIT-HOE, and I'm a Korean who lives in West Yorkshire. I was born in Durham and have been living in England for all of my life. I decided to start blogging as I have been recently finding it hard to get rid of the stress that has been building up inside of me. I thought that if I could write my feelings out onto a blog, then that would help clear my mind out. I feel like this is a good way of getting my feelings out clearly, as those of you who know me will know that I'm quite a shy guy. Also, there would be you guys who will be reading this right now. I hope that I will be able to get enough views for other people to give back feedback, and/or to share some of their experiences. Feel free to say what you want below! Whatever it is, I'll try my best to reply to as many comments as I can (if I ever get any, that is XD). The best part that I think though, is that I will be able to look back at myself through this very blog, and bring back all the memories which I plan to write up. I also can't wait to laugh at myself when I read though any cringey stuff that I put up here.
I may end up posting random things up onto this blog, or I may post stories of the same theme over and over again. Who knows? I guess you'll just have to follow this blog to find out. This is all that I think I will be putting for my first ever blog post, and I hope that you will be able to enjoy reading this as much as I did writing this. Now... how should I finish this post... I guess I'll be trying out a few different endings until I find the one that suits me :D Meh.

AKBIT-HOE, 00:00 22/08/2014

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